MUSOL was founded in 1998 with the help of a group local authorities employees, professionals, experts and researchers who center their interests and professional careers in the field of local Spanish administration.

Since its foundation, MUSOL has a vocation directed at working with the local entities of the South with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the local stakeholders and their roles in local development. Over the years MUSOL has diversified its activities, from a geographic and sectoral point of view; however the organization reaffirms its aspiration to constitute a point of reference in the work of public entities and local organizations of Spain, Africa and Latin America.

In MUSOL, we promote the right to a dignified life and the sustainable development of the most disadvantaged populations, developing and strengthening the capacities of the regional and local governments as well as the Spanish, African and Latin American civil societies, all of this within the framework of development processes, decentralization and current participation in the recipient countries of our activity.

It specializes in the strengthening of local and regional governments of the Southern Countries, those being the institutions in closest proximity to the people and responsible for the basic services of water, health and education, defending democratic values, social justice, equality and human rights. MUSOL believes in work that has transparency, responsibility, learning and innovation as its base for the fight against poverty.

At the present, it develops different development cooperation projects in Latin America and Africa, as well as awareness throughout Spain, with the objective of promoting participation and widening the knowledge of the local administration on issues of development cooperation, co-development and decentralization.

In 2010 MUSOL finally consolidated its legal form of foundation.



The mission of MUSOL is to promote the sustainable development of the most disadvantaged populations, developing and strengthening the capacities of regional and local governments as well as those of the civil societies in Spain, Africa and Latin America. All of this, within the framework of the processes of development, decentralization and current participation of the recipient countries of our activity.



Our vision is to be an organization of reference in the work of the organizations, regional and local public entities of Spain, Africa and Latin America that encourage awareness, transparency, efficiency, learning and continuing improvement both internally and among their counterparts, to promote the satisfactory progress of the disadvantaged populations and the participation of the same in the processes of local development.

1. Transparency

2. Participation, Gender Equality and Democracy

3. Empowerment, strengthening and responsibility

4. Openness to working with migrant population

5. Appreciation of public space

6. Learning and innovation



In 2009 MUSOL redefined its Strategic Framework, updating to the new context and integrating those action plans, values, expectations and tendencies that were clearly outlined during the first 10 years of the organization (1998-2008).

The definition of the new Strategic Framework, which came from a process of analysis and reflection done between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, has shown that not only the projects of development cooperation and co-development are fundamental action plans for the organization, but also that the actions and initiatives of awareness and education for development have resulted in being also the backbone of MUSOL’s action in Spain.

Development cooperation

Support for regional and local public entities of Latin America and Africa in the sustainable provision of quality basic services to the local population.

Strengthening of the local and regional public entities of Latin America and Africa in management and administration aspects, encouraging transparency and efficiency in their actions.

Strengthening of the local development planning processes in Latin America and Africa, institutionalizing spaces for citizen participation in the local and regional governments and the coordination with the other stakeholders involved.

Education for development, awareness and training

Education for the development, awareness and training for the public in general and for the local and autonomous Spanish regional entities in particular, with the objective of improving: the quality of the provision of basic services to the population, in particular the services which involve immigrants; the quality of decentralized cooperation and the attention by local entities to the matters of cooperation, the fight against poverty and Millennium Development Goals; through the strengthening of the capacities of the personnel who attend to these services and the organization of the local Spanish entities and their Southern counterparts.


Strengthening of the immigrant organizations in Spain to favor their affirmation as transnational interlocutors of the local and autonomous Spanish entities and of the countries of origin.

Accompaniment to the local and regional governments of the territories of origin and destination to strengthen the capacities of their personnel to improve the activities they do for the management of immigration in their territories.

Work in conjunction with the immigrant organizations in Spain to encourage their participation in the development processes of the immigrants’ countries of origin.

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